
学术写作是教学计划中的最后一个重要的教学环节,是加强学生理论联系实际、培养学生严谨勤奋的工作态度、提高学生全面素质的有效手段,也是对学生掌握和运用所学基础理论、基本知识、基本技能和从事科学研究能力的综合考核。本课程是一门训练课程,对学生进行系统的学术论文写作技能训练。学完本课程后,学生应能了解毕业(设计)论文基本要求、掌握基本写作方法,应能用适当语体和正确格式完成学术论文。 As the final core unit in the teaching curriculum, this course helps to transition students into the stage of crafting a graduation paper. Through this course, students are expected to meet the basic requirements for writing a graduation paper, grasp the basic knowledge, methodology, rules and procedure of academic writing, and write the graduation paper in appropriate style and format. 该课程是我校英语专业高年级必修课,列入专业核心课。
